New Feature Update: Word Rank Summary & Review Progress Bar

At Mem-App, we constantly strive to provide the best experience for users who want to expand their vocabulary efficiently. We are thrilled to announce two new features that will enhance your experience and provide better insights into your vocabulary progress: the Word Rank Summary and the Review Progress Bar.

Word Rank Summary Graph

The new Word Rank Summary Graph gives users a visual representation of their entire vocabulary list, showing the number of words in each rank. Ranks range from 1 to 11, with higher ranks indicating greater familiarity with the word. Each time you successfully remember a word during a review session and click the “Yes, Remembered” button, the word’s rank increases by one. However, if you forget a word and click the “No, Forgot” button, its rank will reset to 2. This rank system ensures that words you struggle with are reviewed more frequently, while those you know well are reviewed less often.

The spaced repetition algorithm uses these ranks and the timing of your last review to determine the optimal schedule for each word, allowing for the most efficient memorization pattern based on scientific principles.

Review Progress Bar

In addition to the Word Rank Summary, we have added a Review Progress Bar to each review session. This progress bar provides real-time feedback on your review round, showing how many words you have reviewed and how many are left to complete.

Daily review sessions typically last only a few minutes, depending on the number of words due for the day. This addition aims to make the review experience more transparent and engaging.

Why These Features Matter

Both the Word Rank Summary and Review Progress Bar empower users with greater visibility and control over their vocabulary learning process. By providing these insights, Mem-App allows users to focus on areas that need improvement while making the most of their learning time. These new tools are part of our commitment to delivering an intuitive and scientifically backed learning experience that truly supports long-term retention.

Try out these new features in the latest update, and continue your journey to mastering new words with Mem-App!

Stay tuned for more updates, and keep expanding your vocabulary!

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