Visualize Your Learning Progress with Mem-App's New Scheduled Reviews Graph

Date: August 14, 2024


At Mem-App, we're committed to making your vocabulary-building journey as seamless and effective as possible. That's why we're excited to introduce a brand-new feature: the Scheduled Reviews Graph. This visual tool is designed to give you a clear overview of your upcoming vocabulary reviews, helping you stay on top of your learning and track your progress with ease.

What is the Scheduled Reviews Graph?

The Scheduled Reviews Graph is a powerful new feature that displays all your scheduled reviews over the next 33 days, including any overdue reviews. For each day, the graph presents a bar that represents the total number of words due for review. This includes words due today and any words that were scheduled for review but haven't been reviewed yet.

How It Works

Each bar on the graph is composed of smaller segments, each representing the words due for that day. These segments are color-coded in grayscale, based on the rank of the words. The rank reflects the number of consecutive successful reviews a word has received. The higher the rank, the darker the segment:

  • Lighter Shades: Represent words with lower ranks (e.g., 1 or 2), which might have been recently added to your list or forgotten in a previous review.
  • Darker Shades: Represent words with higher ranks (e.g., 10), indicating stronger retention and mastery.

For example, if you have four words due tomorrow—two with a rank of 10 and two with a rank of 2—the bar for tomorrow will be split into two stacked segments: one dark gray and one light gray.

Resetting Ranks

The ranking system is dynamic and adapts to your performance. If you forget a word during a review and select the "No, forgot" option, the rank of that word resets to 2. This means the word will be scheduled for review the next day, ensuring you have another chance to reinforce your memory.

Why Only 33 Days?

The graph focuses on the upcoming 33 days to keep your review schedule manageable and focused. Words due for review beyond this period are not reflected on the graph, as they have recently been reviewed and ranked highly. This ensures that the graph only shows words that require your immediate attention.


The Scheduled Reviews Graph is designed to give you better control and insight into your learning process. By visualizing your review schedule, you can easily identify days with heavier review loads and adjust your study plan accordingly. We believe this feature will make your vocabulary-building experience with Mem-App even more effective and rewarding.

Start exploring the Scheduled Reviews Graph today and take your learning to the next level!

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance your experience with Mem-App. Let's memorise!

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